Agnostic’s dilemma on vaccines

Urban Malgudi
2 min readSep 25, 2021


Assume X = God definitely exists.

Then, X’ = God definitely doesn’t.

If the absence of evidence cannot be assumed as evidence of absence, agnostics seem to be the most intellectually honest of the lot.

The same goes when they evaluate arguments from CDC and anti-vaxxers. Neither camp seems consistent with their narratives about the pandemic.

Who? Me? I am a Pastafarian. No, the religion doesn’t allow vaccines. Yes, they do give out vaccine exemption letters. Of course, it is a real religion. We have haters. Hatred makes us legit.

Old guy, philosopher, Plato’s bitch

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 1 1094a24–1095a

“It is right that we ask [people] to accept each of the things which are said in the same way: for it is the mark of an educated person to search for the same kind of clarity in each topic to the extent that the nature of the matter accepts it. For it is similar to expect a mathematician to speak persuasively or for an orator to furnish clear proofs!

Each person judges well what they know and is thus a good critic of those things. For each thing in specific, someone must be educated [to be a critic]; to [be a critic in general] one must be educated about everything.”

Why don’t you come and try philosophy in 21st-century, old guy? I bet you you would doomscroll instead. We have cellphones now. Nobody ponders anymore.



Urban Malgudi
Urban Malgudi

Written by Urban Malgudi

(Predominantly) carbon-based bipedal Sapien, one of the 8 billion specimens of Planet Earth. | Tweets as @tweetforthot | Tries to click nohumanpics on Instagram

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